• Serving VA & The DC Area

  • 8525 Rolling Road, Suite 200 Manassas, VA 20110
  • (703) 552-4809


If you have a spine condition, chances are The Spine Care Center
has successfully treated it THOUSANDS of times!

We Can Help You With Your Back Pain

Back pain is one of those conditions that can affect your daily life enormously; it’s something you should not overlook. At The Spine Care Center, we have dedicated our lives to the study and right application of medicine to support the back, spine, and other parts of the body that see themselves affected by many conditions. For more than a decade, we have helped thousands to deal with all the pain and discomfort that back pain can produce and we couldn’t be happier to be here to provide you with that same help and support.

Being in constant pain, especially when your back is affected, it not only becomes a problem for your posture or the amount of time you can remain sitting before it affects you further, but it also affects many other areas of your life; the way and how much you sleep, the activities you are able to do, the jobs that you can perform, and so much more!

Back and spine problems can range from mild to severe and the conditions can range from acute to chronic. Whatever your problem or discomfort is, you should not be going through it alone and without help. Here’s some information about when you should visit a spine and back specialist:

Conditions We Treat

At The Spine Center in Manassas, we are able to provide support and solutions to many of your back and pain conditions. We are proud to say that we have done more surgeries and help out more patients than any other spine specialists in the area. Our work consists of surgical as well as non-surgical solutions so you can rest assured that we will find the best options or procedure possible for your spine or back condition!

The following extensive list of conditions can provide you with more information about the possible problems that can derive from certain back problems. This list only shows a reduced list of the many back and spine problems that the Spine Care Center experts can treat. If you believe that your condition is not reflected in this section, you can always contact our staff for more information — our team is excited to help you!

Annular Tear

This condition can occur when the outer layer of the disc is damaged. It can be more commonly found in adults since the annulus can become thinner and stiffer with age. This problem can also be found amongst certain athletes or gymnasts due to the overuse of their spines.

Arthritis of the Spine

Arthritis of the spine, like in any part of the body, can be the source of inflammation in your vertebrae. This problem can originate from two different sources, although, if overlooked, it can cause long-term damage and lead to a lot of pain that can increase with the passage of time.

Bone Spurs

Bone spurs, also known as osteophytes, are the abnormal growth of bone tissue that can be more commonly found in people over the age of 60. While these can be an ordinary condition, if these bone spurs grow too much, they can start pinching nerves and causing other problems.


Spondylosis is known as the exponential degeneration of your spine. This condition is unavoidable due to being connected with the use of your spine and age which causes your cartilage and the cushion between your vertebrae to grow thinner and weaker with time, causing pain and discomfort. This is one of the conditions that the experts at The Spine Care Center in Manassas deal with the most.


Spondylolisthesis originates as a stress fracture in a vertebra (known as spondylolysis) but turns into this condition once it goes untreated. Although this condition is most commonly found in athletes who twist and hyperextend their backs, it can also be found in non-athletes as well.

Spinal Stenosis

Your spinal canal is the “tunnel” that guides nerves from your brain all the way across your body. When this canal narrows, it can pressure the nerves and cause many problems that can lead to weakness in legs and feet, pain when walking, and more!


You can suffer spondylitis due to a genetic pre-existing condition or as a result of other conditions like psoriasis. The core problem of this condition is the inflammation of the joints in your spine and can lead to pain, a decrease in motion and reflexes, bad posture, and more.


Scoliosis is the deformation of your spine and it’s commonly seen as your spine loses its natural “S” shape and starts curving sideways. Teens and adults are known to develop this problem more often than children and can lead to bad posture and the misalignment of certain bones.


Sciatica problems can come from pressure exerted on the sciatic nerve which runs from your spine down to your legs. A common problem associated with this condition is the sharp, needle-like pain that shoots down your leg or at the bottom of your spine; other symptoms can be weak legs and numbness and tingling in the affected areas.


Radiculopathy is a condition that, when happening at the bottom of your spine, is considered sciatica. However, there are other common types such as thoracic and cervical radiculopathy (middle and top of the spine, respectively) that occur due to inflamed or pinched nerves

SI Joint Dysfunction

The sacroiliac (SI) joint is the one that connects your sacrum and your hip bones. When this joint is not functioning properly, it can start to affect the absorption of the impact generated by walking, running, jumping, and other activities that might negatively shock your spine.

Bulging Discs

Bulging discs can be part of age-related spinal degeneration. This condition differs from herniated discs because the soft tissue inside starts bulging out while the cartilage layer of the disc is still intact. This can cause pain, numbness, and tingling in different areas of the body.

Post-Amputation Pain

When dealing with post-amputation pain, you could be dealing with an infection, some problems related to and involving your prosthetics and bones and soft tissue around the amputated part, or bad circulation to the area. All these problems can cause pain and discomfort.

Pinched Nerve

Having a pinched nerve can be the result of other conditions. Having a pinched nerve can be cumbersome and become a bigger problem in the long run if left untreated. It often reveals itself as a shooting, burning, or sharp pain that can either be momentarily or long-lasting, sometimes for weeks or months.

Postherpetic Neuralgia

Postherpetic neuralgia is generated by the long-term damage of shingles. Neither of these conditions has a cure so far but there are many treatments that can help diminish the effects and the complications that come with over-exposure. It’s most commonly found in people over the age of 60.

Collapsed Disc

The discs that cushion your vertebrae can fail due to many different problems or conditions that can attribute the degeneration of your discs. When your discs collapse, it can crush a nerve or create a limitation in your natural movement and it occurs more commonly in the lumbar and cervical regions of the spine.

Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative disc disease occurs when the pads or cushions located between your vertebrae start getting weaker and thinner, giving way to your spine having less support and shock absorption. This can also cause bulging, collapsed, and herniated discs.

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

This condition occurs in certain regions of the body like an arm or a leg and it’s the pain that may begin after a serious event ranging from injuries to heart attacks or strokes. Patients suffering from CRPS can often suffer from more severe pain than those who aren’t suffering from the condition.

Degenerative Spine Disease

With the passing of time and due to the extensive use of your spine and back, people tend to start noticing the weakening of their spine. While this is a common condition that’s connected to age and it’s unavoidable, there are several treatments that can improve the condition and reduce the pain and discomfort.

Degenerative Joint Disease

Your spine holds weight and absorbs impact throughout your entire life and, after many years of activities that we perform daily like sitting, standing, lifting, the cartilage between your vertebrae starts to wear. This causes pain and other problems that can be treated by a myriad of solutions.

Diabetic Neuropathy

This condition, affecting diabetic patients, often attacks the nerves in your arms, legs, hands, and feet which can turn into a very painful situation. Diabetic neuropathy can present itself as muscle weakness, poor balance, sharp pain, and more.

Disc Extrusion

An extruded disc originates when the cushion that absorbs shock and acts as a pad between your discs, ruptures. Age can weaken and thin out these cushions making it more probable for the extrusion to happen. This can be treated with pain management, physical therapy, and other procedures.

Facet Joint Disease

The facet joints are located between the vertebrae and support your spine’s flexibility allowing you to move your spine in different directions. After years of use, these joints deteriorate due to  wear and tear, eventually causing the tissue around the facet joints to become thin and inflamed.

Disc Protrusion

A protruded disc is when a disc, located between the vertebrae, moves out of its intended place. This condition can be the initial problem that opens the doors to a wide range of conditions and it’s the leading cause of neck and back pain.

Failed Neck or Back Surgery Syndrome

Also known as  post-laminectomy syndrome, this condition occurs in close to half of the people that undergo any surgery. It’s most common symptom is experiencing pain after surgery or the return of pain after a brief relief. This condition can be treated by physical therapy, minimally-invasive surgical intervention, and more!

Cancer Pain Management

Cancer is one of the conditions that affects and kills more people around the world. The pain generated by cancer is one that leaves most wanting pain relief and that’s exactly what The Spine Care Center wants to provide you.

Musculoskeletal Pain

Musculoskeletal pain encompasses discomfort and affliction in bones, ligaments, muscles, and tendons. This condition can range from acute to chronic and due to the spine being the main weight-carrying structure in your body, the problems often stem from this source.


Neuralgia refers to irritation and damage and it’s associated with pain. While this condition can originate from many different sources, we strive to help you deal with your pain and put you in a better path so you can enjoy your life without suffering.

Sacroiliac Joint Syndrome

The Sacroiliac joint, also known as SI joint, can suffer from a syndrome that causes pain in the hips, buttocks, and/or the lower back. This damage can be caused by inflammation, arthritis, or direct damage to the SI joint.

How Can Back Pain Affect You?

Spinal complications and back problems are not only measured in pain and discomfort but are also connected to how much it affects your day-to-day life. For some people, these inconveniences can be seen as just that at the beginning, although, once the conditions worsen, they can bring a lot more problems which usually deteriorate to the point of having you pinned down without being able to enjoy your life anymore.

Physical Impairment

An acute pain in your back can turn into a major problem if not taken care at the right time. An early diagnosis of your problem can be the difference between simple physical therapy and a complicated surgery or invasive procedure.

When something like a pinched nerve is overlooked, it can force you to avoid certain movements or activities, slowly atrophying your range of motion until the point you are constrained to a limited amount of movements that don’t allow you to do much. These pinched nerves can be solved with simple physical therapy, massages, or certain medication that will provide the right relief. However, if left untreated, it can lead to permanent nerve damage.

Mental & Social Complications

While your back and spine conditions are not directly linked to mental problems, the constant suffering and inconvenience from those can contribute to other conditions.


The constant pain and suffering from a physical condition can lead to mental health problems such as depression. Nobody likes to be hurting for extended periods — or for short periods — and having pain often taking away from your enjoyment or preventing you from the activities that you like to do, can lead to depression.


Stress is one of those conditions that we can experience from many different sources. This problem can originate from life circumstances such as work, family life, school, and much more. Being in a state of pain and discomfort can also add to the stress problem.

Sometimes, having the pestering and persistent inconvenience of not being able to move freely without feeling pain can be the precursor to leading a stressful life.

Low Self-Esteem

Chronic back pain can become an overwhelming force in your life. This problem can exponentially worsen and take away some of your confidence to do your regular activities, and with this, take away from your ability to determine if you are able to finish a project that you had in mind or if you are able to make it through a work day — spine complications can leave you helpless and force you to cower away from the things that bring you joy.


Suffering often from chronic pain can make you shy away from the activities that you love doing the most. Some of these activities might be your weekly hikes, yoga training, or other pastimes and hobbies that also provide you with that much needed social interaction. If you are unable to perform these activities as regularly as you want to, it can start affecting your relationships with others and can lead to some of the other problems that we mentioned before.

If you or a loved one is suffering from any of these conditions, experiencing symptoms that have been described anywhere on this site, or are dealing with back pain and other problems that are taking away from their life enjoyment, please contact us and we will be happy to help you take the right steps to improve your condition and help you lead a life without pain. The doctors and specialists at The Spine Care Center have helped thousands of people in the Manassas area and we want you to be another one of our happy patients. Set an appointment today!